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rose water 玫瑰香水;奉承話;溫和的處置,優柔的辦法[手段]。

rose window

She was doing her midnight meditation when she suddenly awoke and opened her door to find that the rising water was only a few inches from her home . she quickly awakened her family and evacuated them to a higher place , and within minutes , water had submerged their home , which had never been flooded in the thirty odd years they had lived there 在風災平靜后,各地哀嘆聲中,我耳聞靠近最低洼地區的一位師姊如何福至心靈,忽然半夜在打坐時警醒,開門一看水已近家門口,趕緊叫醒一家大小往高處道路逃生,短短數分鐘后,洪水淹沒了住了三十多年從沒淹過水的家。

The forecast study about the rising water demand . though the study about the history , current situation and further , combined with the plan and trend of social economy , studied the characteristics of the rising demand of water supply 通過對西安市城市供水的歷史、現狀和未來發展的分析,研究城市用水需求增長變化的特點,并結合城市的社會經濟發展規劃及趨勢,對未來用水需求進行預測并進行供需平衡分析研究。

Following completion of the reservoir , rising water levels flooded the banks of the kuantien river . viewed from above , the river can still be seen meandering through the waters of the reservoir like a reef of blue coral , hence its other moniker 烏山頭水庫建設完成后,由于水位升高,淹沒官田溪谷,從空中鳥瞰,像一座蜿蜒曲折的藍珊瑚,故別名珊瑚潭,同時也是南瀛八景珊瑚飛泉臥堤迎暉的所在。

Rose is well known for its mild anti - viral and bactericidal properties , as well as for its fragrance . rose water , recovered from distillation , is mildly astringent and balancing . roman chamomile also has bactericidal and fungicidal activities 玫瑰與洋甘菊融合了抗敏,保濕與美白的功能,是特效抗氧化的最佳配搭,用來作妝前緊膚水及護膚尤其理想。

Early one spring morning before the peasants living along the tang stream wakened from heir slumbers , the sound of the rising waters became audible , the ice and show on mount zhongnan were beginning to thaw 早春的清晨,湯河上的莊稱人還沒有醒以前,因為中南山普遍開始解凍,可以聽見湯可漲水的嗚嗚聲。

Prime minister gordon brown yesterday promised more funds to tackle britain ' s worst flooding for nearly 60 years as rising waters made thousands homeless and plunged entire towns under water 英國遭遇60年來最大洪水, 50多萬人被圍困,整個城鎮被卷入一片汪洋之中,有災民稱此為“第三世界” 。

Add half teaspoonful of lime juice to one teaspoonful of the cucumber distillate and a few drops of geoflair s rose water . apply on the face and neck and leave on for 15 minutes 將半茶匙的青檸汁混和在一茶匙的純青瓜蒸餾水,再加數滴geoflair的玫瑰花水,用來敷面約十五分鐘,然后洗凈。

Hundreds of thousands of people are forced to leave their homes in pennsylvania , maryland and new jersey because of rising waters 由于水勢猛漲,幾十萬居民被迫撤離了他們在賓西法尼亞、馬里蘭、以及新澤西州的家園。

Hundreds of thousands of people are forced to leave their homes in pennsylvania , maryland and new jersey because of rising waters 高漲的洪水迫使賓夕法尼亞州、馬里蘭州和新澤西州的數以百萬計人撤離了他們的家園。

But after pumping for one whole night , they were losing the battle against the rising water and were on the point of giving up 但經過一夜抽水這后,他們沒能戰勝不斷上升的水,他們快要放棄努力了。

Scenes like this one have been playing out all day as rescue crews search for residents trapped because of the rising water 救援人員搜尋因水位上漲而受困的居民的景象一整天都在上演。

Scenes like this one have been playing out all day as rescue crews search for residents trapped because of the rising water 像這樣營救人員搜尋被洪水圍困的居民的畫面整天都在上演。

Scenes like this one have been playing out all day as rescue crews search for residents trapped because of the rising water 營救人員搜尋被洪水圍困的災民情景全天不停地上演著。

Scenes like this one have been playing out all day as rescue crews search out residents trapped because of the rising water 由于水位不斷上升,隨都能看到搜救被困居民的場景。

They were losing the battle against the rising water and were on the point of giving up 他們沒能戰勝不斷上升的水,而且快要放棄努力了。

Rising water will soon obliterate one of the strangest chapters in chinese history 水位上升后很快就將抹去中國歷史上最奇異的其中一部分

The dam was too weak to withhold the pressure of the rising water 水壩不夠牢固,抵擋不住水上漲的壓力。

Revolution are not made with rose water 革命不是玫瑰花露。

The rising waters did a lot of harm to the crops 上漲的喝水給莊稼造成很大的損害。